Lyrics from late last night


aka WookieMan

I was trying to write a song last night, you know the ones when you are half asleep.. anyway I started off with a couple of lines, didn't go anywhere, then I started to write the song below. I started to think about how much time I actually spend on line.. hence the lyrics... Let me know if I should work on them or let them go :)
No Title Yet

Verse 1
Code running through your head,
Keeping you awake in bed.
Solutions start to formulate,
as the time gets way to late.

Verse 2
Chatting to people on IRC,
across the road and overseas.
Sitting in my favourite seat,
knowing that we will never meet.

'Chorus/hook maybe??'
Existing On-line,
living and breathing.
Dieing Off-line,
slowly disappearing. <--- another rhyme maybe?

Verse 3
Researching things will never end,
another e-mail, clicking 'send'.
Ordering Pizza on-line,
watching my bank balance decline.

Verse 4
Buying stuff from overseas,
winning auctions, rate me please?
Hacking other peoples sites,
hiding trails in bits and bytes.

Being On-line,
living and breathing.
Being Off-line,
slowly disappearing.

Verse 5
Setting up a user name,
No two of them the same.
Setting up a firewall,
whilst watching other people fall.

Verse 6
Cuting free of this web,
Isn't easy done as said.
Watching it take it's final breath,
Do you believe in life after death?

Being On-line,
slowly disappearing.
Being Off-line,
living and breathing.

(c) Daniel Porter 2004

I don't post here (in the Songwriting forum) as often as I should.

Looking forward to feedback,

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