lyrical start


New member
I've never written lyrics I thought I would try to write after a spontanious 3am exploritory car ride in the rain with a close friend of mine I tried to write a paragraph...criticism?

I can't see a thing through this foggy exterior
my breaklines' been severed
and my headlights are fearing their
last desperate flash
an undramatic attempt
to flood light through my viens
in this miserable mess
we call weather outside here
that's so fucking cold
and the rains' on it's side
as we violently roll
down this street
that we
don't know.
This is a great first attempt. You have an interesting subject and a possible song title. You might even want to turn it into a song about the ambiguity of life in general.

After all, living your life is a lot like a dangerious ride "Down This Street That We Don't Know."

Keep writing,
What you have there is the perfect first step in lyric writing; a free-association exercise to get some ideas flowing and give yourself some words to start working with.

Now you need to pick a title before you do anything else.

After that, decide what the song will be about. That will be the chorus, and should include your title. Then roughly sketch out the plot: what will verse 1 convey? What will verse 2 convey that is different from verse 1?

Once you have the title and the story laid out, then start using the lines from you paragraph to tell the story, with rhymes and rhythm in mind.

There's your song.

And now the re-writes begin....
