Lyric Notation


I typically write my lyrics straight-forward to paper. I was curious if there is a standard set of notation used when writing lyrics to illustrate tempo change, emphasis, etc.? I've not found what I'm looking for after some quick searching, but have a feeling this exists. Excuse my ignorance if notation is a common thing. I'm not necessarily looking for software (but that's fine also), but just the abbreviations used. Thanks.
There's really no standards. I've used various means myself at different times. Generally all I've ended up using for posting online is a simple layout:

blah blah blah

la la la

I might throw in [prechorus], [bridge] or [intro]/[outro] but that's it for online.

For working purposes I indicate a good deal more if my advice is sought by my musical collaborator. How that's indicated only has to be clear rather than in a formal pattern. That means you probably won't need to use words like "legato". Good old regular remarks are generally all one sees.