Lucid ADA 8824 and Windows


New member
Hey I finally picked one of these up at a steal of a deal. I heard that this is a very important part of the recording chain and really cleans up the recording going digital + having a nice convertor. I am concerded about the lucid software for windows. But then again it does seem like you even use it really. It would seem the only software you would be using in the computer would be the adat card software.

Anyone else have one of these and to what success to they like it. I found this to be a way better deal then a rosetta. I am fine with 24bit and 44.1hz and don't see a point in 96hz besides a slight increase in quality and need for tons more space for my projects.
Ah this was coming in the mail and this buttmonkey stole it off my porch! He ripped open the box and rode off on his bike. We almost caught him

Anyone in the Bay Area seeing someone selling a Lucid ADA 8824 please contact me
Thank you
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Damn ...... That sux man!!!
I'm sorry to hear that. I understand your pain and desperation to get help retrieving the unit, but I would be a little leery of posting my phone # in a public forum.

Best of luck in getting it back.

Well at least the thing was insured. I still am going to try to find this guy and my orignal converter!
yeah i think hes a prime candidate for a good beatdown...if he took that from my porch and i caught best guess is that I'll get 15-life....thats if they ever find his body.
Amen .... don't Phuck with a man and his gear. Cuz someone aint gonna walk away. Bet money, I'll be the one walkin away. The other bastard .... Yeah ... they gonna hafta find his body. At least a good portion of the pieces.

Great news about the insurance!!! These are the times where that really pays to have it.
The crackhead will probably sell it for like 50 bucks. Who the hell wants to buy a lucid ada converter besides a few audio nerds?