Lowest of the Low Budget Recordings


New member
I want to hear the best of what you've done with the most meager of recording equipment. For example: Right now, I'm doing my best to track a song with one of those shitty condenser microphones that you get with your computer's sound card. It's not that I don't have the equipment or the time to do it right, but I want to see how far I can push the envelope with cheap equipment and still get an interesting sound.
Tracks from an EP I did a few years ago using what I consider a fairly crummy recording setup:

Mackie VLZ 1604 mixer
Fostex VF-16
1 Shure Beta 52 (kick)
1 Shure SM7 (vocals)
6 Shure SM57's (snare, toms, guitar)
2 Shure SM81's (overheads)
ProCo DI box (direct bass)
400 mhz 64 meg ram 13 gig HD PC
Cool Edit Pro 2.0

We recorded the 7 song EP in 3 days, mixed over the weekends for about 4 weeks. Honestly I think it's not that bad. I had to use that setup when my G4/MOTU 2408 MKII setup went caput... since then I wisened up and got an Alesis HD24 and A&H System 8 24/8 mixer.

I played the lead guitar parts and the "U2ish" guitar sound in the second acoustic song. I did all the synth work as well on all the songs.
bryanzera said:
I want to hear the best of what you've done with the most meager of recording equipment. For example: Right now, I'm doing my best to track a song with one of those shitty condenser microphones that you get with your computer's sound card. It's not that I don't have the equipment or the time to do it right, but I want to see how far I can push the envelope with cheap equipment and still get an interesting sound.

I once recorded with the same...all I had was a guitar and that shitty computer microphone and the free version of n-track. For the drum track I was overlaying claps, snaps, and touching the mic for a simulated bass sound. Talk about low-grade! I was just so eager to put together some music.
Circa 1989 I recorded two classical guitars and a tenor in a dorm room with a boombox . . . at one point, you can even hear some guy wander into the room during the recording!

A year earlier, I recorded a beer bottle orchestra (15 bottles, 4 musicians) with a similar setup. Ah, college :rolleyes:

Sorry no mp3s. Trust me, you don't want to hear them.