low volume levels?


New member
I'm having a problem with line in volume. I have all the volume settings right for recording but I'm hardly regestering anything on the monitor. I can be banging the hell outta my drums and I can hardly hear anything on playback.

I've got all my line in recording adjustments maxxed, my mixer thats plugged into line in is maxxed, and my arms are tired from hitting the drums too hard. :P

Is there a way to adjust sensitivity? I did a search on the subject and read something about adjusting the line in level to -10 or something but they didn't explain how to do it. They were saying that most of the time "factory" card settings are at "+4".

Plz help....this is driving me nutz!!!!

First off, what kind of mixer are you using?

(the following is said cuz even the best alot fo times will get so frustrated they miss the obvious ;))

If it is an XLR out mixer, I could assume the you are carrying the left & Right outputs from XLR to 1/8" mini stereo.

IF this is the case, you must unbalance those outputs. Shorting Pin 1 to Pin3 for your shield and using Pin 2 as your signal.

If this is not the case, then tell us what kind of mixer and your I/O configuration from the mixer to the soundcard :)

Oh yeah, if you are using a balanced input soundcard and are routing L/R to the soundcard via balanced lines, one of your cables may be out of pahse resulting in pretty heavy gain loss ;)

Thanx for the reply but its not the mixer. I tried the same setup on my old soundblaster and it records great. (if you don't mind clicking, popping, static, etc..)........but its loud :)

Everything is working great but the recording volume. If I could just get my card to be more sensitive...........kinda what my wife says about me :(
same here...

I'm having the same problem with my electric guitar...I have everything set at full volume, and I've tried on 2 comps...and I've also routed it through my brother's keyboard to try to boost the volume a lot, but then it gets really bad quality...any ideas?
weird...but fixed!

hmmm...if I run it though my guitar amp, I can get GREAT quality...if I play clean...when I get a string like, half muted, it sounds way worse than normal...but with either no mute or full mute, it's great...now I'm just wondering why it didn't work when I routed it though the keyboard...oh well...