Low impedance sm 58


New member
ive got this mic plugged into my mixing desk but it seems i have to knock the gain up almost full to get a loud enough signal, thus creating alot of noise. ive been told that i should use the Shure A95UF transformer to increase the volume without the noise.

was just wondering if anyone else has tried or had the same problem

gh0stm3 said:
ive got this mic plugged into my mixing desk but it seems i have to knock the gain up almost full to get a loud enough signal, thus creating alot of noise. ive been told that i should use the Shure A95UF transformer to increase the volume without the noise.

was just wondering if anyone else has tried or had the same problem

yeah those behringer preamps are bitch, huh?
I had a similar problem with a 58 tho and it ended up being the mic was damaged. Maybe try another cable to rule that out first.

Or it could be the berry pres being a bitch. :D
What about picking up a dedicated Mic Preamp, it's usually better to stay away from Mixer Pre's anyhow..just an opinion.
What about picking up a dedicated Mic Preamp, it's usually better to stay away from Mixer Pre's anyhow..just an opinion.
Ummmm, if you have a good mixer then it should do ok. There are thousands of stand alone pre that were jerked out of a desk and put in their own box with a power supply.

So really, what "desk" are you using?