Low-end monitor recommendations


New member
I'm only getting into recording. I picked up a Korg D16 to demo stuff with here at home, but I could really use decent monitors for mixing. Thing is, I have *very* little money. (VERY little.) Of course, Christmas is coming, so if you guys respond quickly, maybe I can catch my family before they buy my presents. <grin>
try a pair of yorkvilles, or if your really starved for cash, a lot of big studios
also use little auratone cubes. peace.
:D Yo Org:

Manning is right about the Yorkvilles; however, for about the same $$ you can get the KRK ST8s. The KRKs have an 8.5 inch woofer; the Yorks only a 6.5" woofer. [unless they've changed for 2005 models]

I had the York passives and enjoyed them. I like the KRKs better.

In a pinch you could always use your folks' stereo speakers; that might hasten their present of new monitors to you!! :rolleyes:

Green Hornet :cool: :D
............and may I kindly add my .0000000002 worth on this subject!

Tannoy Proto-J's provide a decent,flat response along with translating well in the low-to-upper mids (where many budget-priced monitors fall flat on) less the ear-fatigue during long hours of operation!
Can be had for street $159-170.
I have a pair of Event TR-5's. Granted, they are only 5 in. speakers, but they sound pretty good. I, also, own some KRK's and they are GREAT!

Hey, on a side note, are you aware of the forum for Korg users? It is www.korgstudios.com . The folks there are VERY helpful and supportive (which is a breath of fresh air after you've hung around here for very long ;) )

Good luck!
Thanks, all... You've given me some ideas to look into.

As to my mom's stereo speakers... Umm... Well, although I can ask my family for cool Xmas presents, mom's stereo is a bit hard to get at, seeing as she lives 65 miles away. (Despite the fact that I'm just getting into recording, I'm 39 years old.)

As to the Korg discussion group... Yep, I'm on that and on the email discussion list for the D16. I've asked that bunch, too, but so far you guys have come up with a few more suggestions.

Much appreciated.
M-Audio BX5

I picked up a pair of M-Audio BX5 monitors, which have a nice flat response... they're going for $US 299 a pair at one of the big on-line music equipment places...
I cant believe nobody has said wharfedale diamond pro 8.2s!

there is a thread over 3 freakin pages long about it, a lot of people like them
notbradsohner said:
I cant believe nobody has said wharfedale diamond pro 8.2s!

there is a thread over 3 freakin pages long about it, a lot of people like them
Isn't it more like ten pages long?

It's good to hear some different opinions. My first pair of proper monitors are yet to be bought.
OrganMiscreant said:
I'm only getting into recording. I picked up a Korg D16 to demo stuff with here at home, but I could really use decent monitors for mixing. Thing is, I have *very* little money. (VERY little.) Of course, Christmas is coming, so if you guys respond quickly, maybe I can catch my family before they buy my presents. <grin>

The latest issue of Future Music had several producers do a blind test on several cheaper monitors. The Yamaha MSP3's did very well, the Fostex PM05's did almost as well as did the BX5's from M-Audio...

They felt for straight neutrality, the Yamaha's were best. I have the Fostex's and have found my mixes hold up very well on other systems and on the radio.
I'm looking at some smaller monitors, measured up for larger ones but it'll leave me with no desk space, so that review will be interesting. Will they put it up on their website in a month or two?
noisedude said:
I'm looking at some smaller monitors, measured up for larger ones but it'll leave me with no desk space, so that review will be interesting. Will they put it up on their website in a month or two?

Hey! Don't you live in the UK? I'm jealous because you can probably get FM right at your local newsagent, and on-time no less. Anyway, it seems it takes a while for the reviews to make it to the web. I haven't looked lately, but for some time it's seemed that FM hasn't paid too much attention to their site.

Next issue they're doing a review of slightly more expensive sets.
Cool thanks.

Yes I can get Future Music, and Sound on Sound for that matter, but they're pretty expensive and I'm pretty broke!!
rio452001 said:
I picked up a pair of M-Audio BX5 monitors, which have a nice flat response... they're going for $US 299 a pair at one of the big on-line music equipment places...

Once in awhile you can catch these at GC for $199.
wish i had logged the url, but i forgot.
somewhere on the net is a schematic for building a nice pair of small flat speakers - you still need an amplifier - for monitoring for about 90 bucks in parts.
apparently they are very good and better than monitors costing quite a lot of money.
i'll try and find the url this week in google.
Just to mention that (thanks to Billisa) I headed to my local bookstore and, after carefully slicing the wrapper, skimmed the new Future Music mag. I really do enjoy these "shoot-out" reviews, in general, and this one should be interesting and useful for anyone looking for new monitors. In short, three pro's ran a blind test for six budget monitors (most with 5" woofers and all with very small footprints)), moving through various types of music (soft pop, hard rock, classical) and chatting about each monitor. There are some real surprises (positive and negative) for the panel, but I won't spoil the ending here. I'll say this, though--this pro group doesn't hesitate to completely trash one well-known company/monitor. Fun stuff.

I encourage you to check it out if you're interested. The next FM issue will continue the same shoot-out but with more expensive and larger monitors.

