'Lovesong' by The Cure cover


Newbie Shmewbie
I never used so many channels so I had a hard time mixing this one. I'm happy with the way it turned out however. Any comments especially on the mix are greatly appreciated.

I thought the music was great. It sounded pretty much like the original. The keys sounded thin though. I keep waiting for Robert Smith to come in.

Your voice doesn't really sound like his though. That kind of makes it sound like a karioke kind of thing.

Great guitar work, bass work, and drums. What all did you use?

What other covers do you have?
Ah, bliss - you can't go wrong with a Cure cover.
A faithful rendition indeed, which I enjoyed listening to.

I'm such a HUGE fan of Smith & co., and most of my music is based around that style.

A note about the vocals - Robert Smith's voice and style is so distinctive and original, that it would be murder to try to even match it - the best the thing to do (which you did) is to sing it in your own style (rather than attempting a laughable impression).

I have a song i'm working on which is very Cure-ish - so will be looking forward to sharing my first mp3 here with you guys soon.
Very impressive cover. Kramer caught the guitar stuff...

The only differences I hear from the original were in the vocal, and in the different synth patches (which were close)...

Everyone should check this out, whether they're familiar with the song or not.

