Love Letters And Whispered Dreams


New member

Old song I re-recorded recently. I'm going to be revisiting it again. I'm thinking of doing away with the current percussion completely, maybe trying something deeper like a tympani or concert bass drum.

Not crazy about the strings as I listen more either.

Mostly looking for mixing/arrangement opinions and critiques

You have a good singing voice man.

I thought the acoustic guitar lacked some brightness, especially when your vocals came in by comparison.

I rather liked the strings on this.

I didn't care for the existing percussion much myself and would humbly suggest you follow your gut there as noted in the OP.
lots of sibilance is the vocal. Use a D-Esser if you haven't already. Yeah and the acoustic guitar does lack some brightness. Its not a problem in the beginning but it quickly gets swallowed by the strings. And the hands drums aren't speaking clearly. I would say to bring them up and brighten with some eq but I would almost recommend re-recording them.