Loud CPU Affecting Recording


New member
Hello. My CPU is loud, even when it's idol. I think it may be a combination of a loud harddrive and fans and even possibly the power supply. I do not have the resources to replace them all or to buy a whole new computer. The problem is that the hum can be heard over my recordings. Does anyone have any suggestions to subdue the sound? Having the cpu in a different room or even farther away is not practical and neither is the casing they sell for about $300. I'm hoping maybe someone has had this happen before and has a suggestion or two? Thanks.
Loud computers are a problem when recording.

The solutions are:
1 Replacing noisy bits with quiet bits
2 Relocating the PC
3 Enclosing the noise
4 Do your recording away from the PC (like in another room).

Option 4 is really the same as option 2

I can't think of any other answers . . . you need to pick one or more of these.
Agreed. You've pretty much listed all the solutions and then said you don't want to do them.

You could try to set up some dense dividers behind the mic, and make sure the pc is directly behind the mic too.
Noise is noise though; If you can hear it, the mic will.

Incase you aren't aware, you can replace cpu/case/psu fans for very little money. They make very quiet ones now too.
Even opening the computer and giving all the fans a dust and hoover might help, depending how clogged they are.
Make sure there are no cables or anything very close to the fans too.
Obstruction = noise.
I've got a noisy harddrive, too. I just move the mic into the next room. It's a little inconvenient hitting 'record', then over to the mic, but it works!