Lost CWB file

Bullet Days

New member
i don't know what i did, but i lost one of my bundles. i save my bundles on a separate drive and it's nowhere to be found there. i checked my c: drive where my sonar3 is installed, and i found wav files with the name of that bundle. i listened to it and sure enough it's different parts of that song i was working on. is there a way i can recover the bundle file using those wav files?
You can use the wave files to try and rebuild your original project file, but they will be of no help in trying to create a bundle file.
have no fear, this guy is here

it's possible to reimport all of them, but you would have to re-mix it all down again and you run the risk of it happening again. do you know why it did it in the first place?
what i might have done was maybe saved this file as a project instead of a bundle. or maybe saved it somewhere else (different folder or drive), or maybe wrote over it with a different name? but i already did a "*.cwb" search of my entire computer and i found every bundle i have BUT that one. the only thing i can do is maybe try those recover programs, but they're pretty expensive. anyone know of a cheap, free, or working trial version?
If you indeed saved it to a different drive, it's gotta be there. Are you sure you looked?

Also, like most Windows apps, SONAR maintains a most-recently-opened files list. If too much time has not passed and you haven't opened and closed more than seven other files, it should still be there. It would be at the bottom of the File menu just above the Exit command.

If it's too late for that, you can use the Windows Search utility to find all files that have been changed or created in the past day, or the past week... this might make it easier to track down, especially if you accidentally saved it elsewhere.
i did a search of all my drives, including subfolders, of files that were modified within the last week, which was when i last opened it. again i found all my bundles except that one. all i have are those wav files of parts of that bundle. i was thinking though--if i'm saving my projects as bundles, and that bundle is gone, shouldn't those wav files be gone too?

well, i don't know how that file can just disappear. it's a good thing that i have the final mix of that particular one with me. i was just going to make the guitars a bit louder in that one. i was thinking of just pasting that entire wave file into a new project and then doing the same guitar track over again to help bring it up a bit.
if i'm saving my projects as bundles, and that bundle is gone, shouldn't those wav files be gone too?

By default, Cakewalk will keep all the audio files making up your projects around even if you delete the project file, until you use the Clean Audio Disk function...
When you create a bundle file, Cakewalk imbeds all the audio from the project into the bundle file; however, it leaves the original audio files intact on your hard drive. They will stay around until, as AlChuck said, you use the Clean Audio Tool, or you delete them manually.

BTW, you mentioned you might have saved it as a project file. Did you also do a search for a .cwp file. If you can find a .cwp for that project, you prayers are answered.