looking to upgrade current setup


New member
right now im runnin AT4040 >> ProFire 610 >> Logic Pro

on around a 2000 dollar budget, what would be the best way to upgrade my system?

should i buy a channel strip such as the avalon 737 and run it through the profire? or buy a new pre maybe like the API A2D and run it through SPDIF? or buy a whole new interface?

just some bg on myself: i will mostly be recording vox over pre-mastered beats (hiphop/pop/etc)

all suggestions are welcome, hope this leads to some stimulating discussion!

What exactly are you trying to achieve with the upgrade?

More I/O?
Better Conversion?
Euphonic/Harmonic distortion?
The ability to track with effects or add effects outside of the box?

Figure that out first, that will point you in the general direction and get you more constructive advice
What exactly are you trying to achieve with the upgrade?

More I/O?
Better Conversion?
Euphonic/Harmonic distortion?
The ability to track with effects or add effects outside of the box?

Figure that out first, that will point you in the general direction and get you more constructive advice

basically i'm looking for one channel's worth of significantly improved sonic quality. i mostly record hiphop/pop vocals over pre-mixed beats, so really i only need one channel.

What is your monitoring chain? How about room acoustics?

i go from the profire610 out into krk rp6s. my room acoustics suck but theres nothing i can do about that at this moment, as i am renting a room and cannot make any changes. (cant have big bass traps and gobos lying around either, i dont have enough room for that!)
