Looking to Promote


New member
please see http://indieintrusion.com/

My name is jennae and I am a fellow Indie Artist looking to assist, help and promote fellow indie artist.

I try to help out as much as possible do if anyone has anything new coming out, a link they'd link me to add or a song to peep, or site, just holler I would love to take a listen for ya ;)

nope no cost.. there is a donations link if people feel so inclined but nope...
I'll pretty much add any link for the time being.. as long as I don't exceed my space, but seeing Im just starting off THIS IS THE TIME!'

As far as promoting of artist... as in a featured artist song of the day etc or what have you
I do review the music and sort it accordingly...

but for the most part I am basically just offereing my assistance and willingness to help anyone willing to be assisted.

No hidden fees or anything like that..
I'm about as honest as they come..
this is just my GIG and what I like to do

I am also creating an I-AIM movement..

Im just sick or radio and the mainstream crap
why not get our stuff out there?? :shrugs:

Ask any questions ya want,
there's nothing to hide
and I'm sure someone out there knows me if ya ask around and can validate that I am only semi crazy :P

anywho stop by and take a look..
there is also helpful information lying about for INDIES and any additional info you come across and think others should know hit me up...
I'd like to know about it ;)

ps also looking for cool musician pictures to assist in the possibility of the new site layout.. but promo pics can get filtered in easily and if you add your URL to the pic even better ;)
Hey, you're in Ann Arbor?

I'm always looking for (and relentlessly not finding) other people to play with. Well, acoustically at least. My school of music friends just want to jam all day. Any interest?

I can't get any of the mp3's to play either...now that I've reached the site.
Thanks for the info Jeanae. I'll contact you through your site! I just had to be blunt about asking about a cost because a lot of people come here spamming their warez. It seems to me that you're honestly in it for the music.

Just one note of constuctive critisism. The website seems a bit cluttered. If you could organize your links a little bit and make the homepage ( http://freewebs.com/jennaesindieintrusion/ ) a bit shorter or linked it'd probably help a lot of visitors navigate it more easily. Just my thoughts. :) I think it's a great thing you're starting up here.
hmmm strange computer you have..
/me thinks

can you explain what details you are having issues with??
You can't reach the site at first but now you can yes???

and you should be able to click the underlined streams the are tagged with .mp3 on the titles and they should open a seperate window asking if you want to open the file and or Download the file... they will not stream freely...

/me thinks...

I don't know dear but I will look into it but there should not be an issue

can you tell me what song files of specifics you are trying to stream?

and Yes I am from A2 :nod:
I technnically live in Chelsea now, but yeah for A2 being such a muscial town I had the SAME EXACT issue
pissed me right off..
I couldn't find anyone to jam with.

now mind you I am an original bassist that took on alone after an old band of mine split up and had to teach myself acoustic, and personally I think I suck :lmao:

but no matter, people just use me for my vocals anymore..
hence I collaborate with artist online like mad.
I turned out 54 songs in the last year but since I took on this promotion thing heavier my music has ben a little dead :sigh:

yeah I'm around..
hell I'm 33 and at this age I don't so sh*t ever :lmao:
so I'm ALWAYS AROUND :bleh:

but anywho hit me up again.. I have this set to notify me via email everytime there is a response, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Or feel free to hit me up at jennae@indieintrusion.com direct ;) k?

I hope we sort this cuase you are missing out on some jams by son! If there is on thing I do know is my indies ;)
hey Earth np ;)
I hear ya and I hear you very well as a matter of fact.
I guess I have kinda took on the job of trying to cut out the BS if ya hear me on that :nod:

I mean think about it..
we are all out there trying to sort ourselves best we can and doing our own thing.. but we dont have much direction really...
and there is a sh*t load of talent running rampage and the Record industry as far as I am concerned have their heads so far up their ass they can't be bothered...

well dear..
I'm bothered and they will be some pissed of MO FO's when we Intrude ;) on their cornered market with some kick a** music ;)

now who's coming with????


btw I just found this KILLER song by a band named LIFTED called HER VOICE i am going to find some excuse to upload becuase I have been looping this gfor about an hour now... god I love this track! But their web site didn't work, no contact info.... googled them up... got another band(I think) called lifted... least they don't sound the same... so I am big time bummin :sob:

BTW people http://rateourband.com/ kicks butt when it comes to surfing indie music or exposing your stuff... peep it out! ;)

kick a** on the feed back
heh cluttered??

mind you I have http://indieintrusion.com/ kicking off as soon as I learn how to code this site someone bought for me to support my efforts:D :beam:

yeah so this site is temporary and the new site will be phat!

But I have soooo mcuh I am trying to cut loose that I guess you could say I have just gotten mad busy since this idea and movement has taken off...

see my issue is I add new songs and artist and I dont want to remove them :lmao:

but please do bare with me on this for I am just starting my travels... I don't know squat about coding or setting up web pages...
I just have a great deal of many good friends offering their help when they can ya know...

but I am tenacious and will conquer this thing called code and sort out a spacious design for you :lol:

keep the ideas coming...

but on the other hand.. busy is better than boring :P

I'm out
got this song haunting me I HAVE to post!
Don't know you, but I love you :D j/k around...

Are you using a program for coding like Dreamweaver or Frontpage? I assume you are because if you don't know HTML your site probably wouldn't look as good as it does already.

An idea I have for your site would be an area to hook people up with shows in your neck of the woods and let other people get bands into shows in their neck of the woods. I'm in Madison, WI, a town very similar to Ann Arbor and the rock scene here is just awesome. Lots of the bands here are always looking to get some shows and attention else where. My god, I used to live by Green Bay, WI and a few years back there was the most killer indie scene I have ever seen! Any house show you'd go to would be jam packed and every band that came on to the scene got awesome exposure and got huge props from thousands of people. It all happened because of the communication within the rock community. I've seen it die down in the last couple years, it's too bad. I think though with good ties between midwest indie bands the scene could once again thrive! Cops comin' to try and stop every house show!
there is a nasty rumor that I got that dreamy thingy from a friend today to help me :nod: but no I don't have anything at all.
I do however have like a page editor that assist me a bit with templates kinda.. er... somewhat.

I'm sickly talented and artistic actually...

but heh if I want to know it i will ;)
plus like I said I know how to ask for favors nicely...
in a french maid outfit :lmao:

i happen to be a smart a** too :oops:
yeah.. so you see my delima..
I had someone buy the domain indieintrusion for me to support my cause..
heh but now WTF do I do with it :lmao:

luckily the freewebs.com allows me to use page editor to mold what I wnt them transfer it back into raw hmtl code and deceifer it ;)
so I be learnin the slow pokey way :nod: and there are a few sites I try to frequent honestly.. but this whole INDIE thing has had me very busy, not to mention I partake in a few sites and assist here and there with various things as well as some graphics..
and I used to LIVE on another music site, but .. well ... I don't hang there anymore..
so now I am kinda all over the place and live on IM's with tons of cronies. I'm a bit of a socialite.
So yeah eventually I will sort some time and effort into learning this code
sorting indieintrusion.com
you know all that good jazz

as far as playing live...heh.. well...
I only played live once
ine Baltimore for an boycott RIAA debate in DEc of 2003
it ws fun...
I am more a vocalist than anything now I think
and I CAN play guitar but I think I suck
I have some solo work posted on http://freewebs.com/jennaemusic/
but eh... that is basically my early stuff
not real impressive
I found a music site
muscian friends
started collabing
and to this day I have like 10 offeres I need to sort...
I can't keep up on the offers.. which is cool,
I'm a lyric machine rather.

but I kinda have SOMEONE that wants me to fixate on my own music so to speak...
so maybe I will.... but I just dont care about all that paper work stuff nor trust it...
ok I'm rambling.. and making no sense 'cause it's 6 am and I am half talking to you and half talking to myself...
what was the question???

oh yeah....
door number 2 please.

did I win??
"I just want to hear her voice.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh----ahhhhhhhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh"

arrrgh that song.........it's haunting me!!!

but I sooo love it!

YOu must go listen!


d*mn webpages that don't work! :mad:
Earth peeped out your music.. nie stuff.. you are a great composer.. and that fem vox is killer. How aer you recording those vox...? where aer you positioning your mic??

YOu should pay closer attn to your levels..
you got some great stuff happening in your songs but you burry some stuff in the mix.. accents dear accents ;)
not that I know sh*t but eh.. lol

great music though..
keep it up
hell sort me a band link and a genre to place it under and title.. see about adding ya to the artist if ya want ;)
My link doesn't work? Strange, I just tried it and it worked for me. The URL is www.poemadept.com, anyone else having trouble with that?

When I tried to download the mp3 files, it just gave me an error message. I tried clicking on them and tried to save the target file to my desktop, but neither worked.


double check your user account web addy

the one you just posted places a comma at the end of your addy and f0ckurs it ..

this should work
I will check it out as soon as I get a chance.. got a few things goin on...

and same for you...
web addy link
band name

and I'll add ya if ya want ;)

I can do the math when I have to but mind you
I can't do everyone's homework ;)
if ya catch my drift ;)