Looking to play samples through software

Chibi Nappa

New member
I need to expand my drum sample library. Right now my only samples are in an Alesis DM5. I don't want to spend the type of money I'd need for another hardware drum unit. So....

#1 - what is a good drum sample library for the PC? I'm not looking for loops, just individual drum samples...snares mostly. Natural sounds mostly. A large variety of different sounds is vital.

#2 - What does a person need to play samples on the PC these days? I remember back in the Soundblaster era you needed Soundfont RAM on your soundcard... What do you need now? What is the popular sample format?

#3 - What program can I use to play the samples. I don't want to sequence on the PC, I want to control it from a midi controler (midi keyboard, midi drum kit).

As another option, if any of this can be done on Linux, I have a Linux PC as well as a Windows PC.

Thanks guys.
Rock! That's a great option there. :) Yes, that's exactly the type of thing I'm looking for. Can you buy additional sample libraries for it?

Anybody else have other choices?
FXPansion offers several additions to BFD that are awesome. The first "upgrade" path that I recommend for BFD is XFL. You can read more about it on their website.

The two top dogs of drum sampling are BFD and Drumkit From Hell Superior. The one you choose is simply a difference of which one you think works best for you. The general observation by many is that BFD is easier to use...it's user interface is stellar. I've heard that Drumkit From Hell Superior is also easy to use...once you know what you're doing. It's all subjective really.

Just check out both websites...look at some screen shots...there's even a demo of BFD out there in a computer recording magazine. Granted, it's VERY scaled down from the real thing, but it would give you a good idea of how BFD works.