looking to improve home studio...


New member
Hi everyone,

Here's my gear:

Dell laptop 1.6, 512, win XP media center ed (which is not comp w/ protools)
M-audio fast track pro interface
Sansamp bass driver
Fender frontman 25b
BX5a monitors
sm 7b
sm 57

For my next purchases, I am interesed in a new daw and maybe a tampa preamp. (Latency and syncing my tracks in time is the biggest issue I'm having...)

Goals: create a quality studio in a small room environment (if that's possible). Record vox, guitars, bass one track at a time (two at most), have mixing capabilities, then either use drum loops or a different studio to get drum track. I am composing and recording solo right now, but eventually I want to be able to play small to medium gigs either solo or in a 3 or 4 piece band. In a solo format, I would play folk, but would also like the option of rockin out along with pre-recorded work, such as having the vox and guitar live but the bass and drum playing off my laptop or something, until I can form a band ( I am not fimiliar with the in's and out's of live sound) so I am interested and wondering about someday getting a Yamaha EMX512SC-BR15 PA Package? (but I'm not yet at that point)

I definitely need to upgrade my daw, condsidering sonar home studio xl,
but since fast track pro syncs with Pro tools, going through the trouble of getting a new operating system maybe worth it...ah decisions...I would
like to error on the side of keeping things simple and easy to use, but I
definitely want something that can help process my vocals.

I would like to get a stronger signal for my vocal track and I'm not sure if
audacity is the problem or if I need a preamp ( The Tampa has a compressor and seems well supported on this site)? Or maybe deal with both?

Also, is there any other gear I would be aware of or any other suggestions
for enhancing my setup?

Thanks a bunch,
am i missing something why wouldnt xp run with protools
im pretty sure my friend does?
i jus wanna know where your coming from
get an RME
thank you for the tips


Protools does work on Win XP, just not with Media Center Edition, which is what I have. I could reformat, getting a new operating system, but setting up the Fast Track Pro was tricky and I would prefer leave it as is, unless Pro Tools really is worth the trouble.

I looked at RME's site and they have converters, preamps, etc...did you have any particular model in mind?


For room treatment I can set up padding on the walls that will "deaden" everything and help keep sound waves from bouncing around. The room has thin carpet. Besides special padding, is there anything else I could get to help the acoustics of the room?
cbsc said:

Protools does work on Win XP, just not with Media Center Edition, which is what I have. I could reformat, getting a new operating system, but setting up the Fast Track Pro was tricky and I would prefer leave it as is, unless Pro Tools really is worth the trouble.

I looked at RME's site and they have converters, preamps, etc...did you have any particular model in mind?


For room treatment I can set up padding on the walls that will "deaden" everything and help keep sound waves from bouncing around. The room has thin carpet. Besides special padding, is there anything else I could get to help the acoustics of the room?

Bass traps. A must in a small room. You can buy em or make them yourself. Do a search on OC 703
Yeah, bass traps are the biggest thing you could do to your room AND your mixes. I've got a 16 by 20ft room and I have 4 traps and am thinking I could do with 2 more. Check out the studio construction forum. Alot of good info. The room (imho) is the most overlooked when it comes to tracking and mixing and it's one of the biggest (also imho) things that can make or break a song.

and you need a lava lamp... :D