Looking to colab with guitar players


New member
Looking to colab with a guitar player....I give you simple beds and you work your magic. This is an open ended project.

I am a classical percussionist...Played in the Dupage Symphony Orchestra here in Chicagoland for six years. I'd like to present you with some waveforms and let you tear into this stuff. I cover a myriad of styles....Electronica, Folk, Country, Classical period material...Classic Rock. I like ot mix it up. I am currently hashing out a two act musical that will be produced on the Web....We are currently authoring the site. You can listen to some of these midi files @ http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/...tefn=RootSite.xml&aff=consumer&cty=US&lang=en

A looooong URL I know.

I want this to be a free flowing exchange.....i create piano beds...beats...bas lines etc....and you work your magic over it. All of this music will eventually be available on the web site that is currently being created. I obviously cannot pay anyone but if you are running a home studio and have the ability to accept my wave forms then I would love to work with you....Who knows where it might lead? I'm just sick of working out ideas in Finale and not having them come to fruition. I have a bunch of midi piano work too that I think would sound greeat with live guitars......They obviously have a bit of a mechanized feel to them but it fits in with the them of the piece....a multimedia machine that learns how to make music.

If anyone is interested in giving this a shot (I like to work on a timeline of one song every two weeks....I'm willing to do one per week due to the fact that I only work twenty hours a week....but one every two weeks is cool if you are busy) then please contact me @ CHAMPIONLombard@aol.com or leave a message in this forum and I will check it.

The only thing that I ask is that you have an open mind and are willing to direct yourselves throughout the creative engagement. Have a great weekend!

-Robert Champion
Actually sounds very intriguing... but what kind of guitar player are you looking for?

I've played for about 10 years, mostly play rock/metal; but have co-written some indie and ballads. Definitely not a classically schooled player, nor am I very good at acoustic guitar -- if that's what you're looking for.
hey man....Drop me an email at CHAMPIONLombard@aol.com and I can give you al lof the info...You don't have to be a classical player....just willing to play up against a midi piano that has yet to be humanized.

I'll be adding drums, bass, and effects at a later date.....I also have some other beds that are in need of a lead player.

I just wanna see what you can bring to the exchange.

Drop me an email so that I can send you some files

-Robert Champion