Looking to buy a conga...

It is very possible to get enough tones from one drum to serve a purpose - and I understand your desire to be able to purchase a quality instrument sooner rather than later. I think buing a conga vs. quinto as the first drum would be the best way to go.

The drum that you linked to is a find drum.

The only caution I would offer (and perhaps this is not a concern to you) - drum lines change from time to time - so buying a conga now and a quinto later could put you in a position where you can't match stlye and/or color.

While the cosmetics are not the most important thing to consider when choosing an instrument - it can be a consideration when trying to sell an instrument.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Ya, im not too worried about colors not matching, that wouldnt be a big deal to me.

So that drum would be an alright choice?