Looking for,...


New member
Hey i'm a rap/rock producer and i'm looking for ::royalty free:: rap instrumentals for an album in the making. The album is gonna be :maybe: one of the first of it's kind, i'm looking for up-and-coming producers with nice beats to contribute. The project is going to be called 'In Your Hood' featuring Iced-Out Records artists'. If you let me use one of your beats your name will have the credits for producer and contact info,.. the whole 9 yards,.....I think this could be one of the best undergound albums out of detroit and will truely be a step for underground hip-hop around the nation.

If you would like to contribute leave a post here with a link where I can download your beat.

(Any artist that contributes will receive a complete copy of the cd when it comes out (shipping FREE)

Who's the distributor? If the record label has global distribution I got ooh say around 5k samples of music & full beats specifically for that genre
im distributing this album independently, it will take awhile, but i think it will be a cool thing to do with all different producers.
if u have any beats let me know
A different angle

:D Here is a different angle to try post the lyrics and let the producers mix them over beats and remix them that way you can get a wider band of creativity working for you and people will feel better about making the beats because they will get the chance to remix them theirselves. They versions that don't work for you you dont use. This way you may get ideas you never thaught of.
the vocal fafctory website is the perfect example of what i mean