Looking for the right computer


New member
hi guys. i need to be able to run fl studio, many plugins inside fl, and monitor an incoming signal with lowest latency as possible. what kind of desktop would i need to do this? will i need a quad core? please help. thanks!
Getting a good computer for audio isn't as hard as it seems (most of the time). Assuming you know what OS you want, I would first take into consideration what you're trying to accomplish. you mentioned using FL, which can only use 4 gigs of ram currently so you don't really more than that (thats what I use, and haven't had any trouble). Then make sure your processor is pretty good. Now depending on what plugins you're going to be using (are we talking a 10mb reverb plugin, or several 40 gig sample libraries?) you'll want a lot of space. You don't have to go overboard or anything, but 500gigs should keep you happy (plus you should get an external as well for backup in general). In terms of a soundcard, get something with a texas instruments (TI) chipset. SIIG and a couple of other companies make them, so feel free to look around (if you want a laptop, chances are you'll need an express card if you are doing more than sequencing). Go after what you'll need (firewire/usb) with the card.
So, which computer do you buy? Can't say, choose what is good for you, I don't even know the budget! If you follow the parameters above though, you should be in good shape. I'd highly recommend microcenter, they have great buys. Anyway, best of luck, hope this helped, and feel free to ask more.
hi guys. i need to be able to run fl studio, many plugins inside fl, and monitor an incoming signal with lowest latency as possible. what kind of desktop would i need to do this? will i need a quad core? please help. thanks!

Does fl studio support quad core cpu's ?
Here is the deal. If FL Studio does not support quad core then get a cheaper dual core that has the highest clock speed you can find. If it does support quad core then get high highest quad you can find and afford. Let me explain, if you compare a Quad Core CPU with 2.5 ghz cores vs a Dual Core with 3.2 ghz cores, the Dual core will run software that is not quad core supported faster.
Here is the deal. If FL Studio does not support quad core then get a cheaper dual core that has the highest clock speed you can find. If it does support quad core then get high highest quad you can find and afford. Let me explain, if you compare a Quad Core CPU with 2.5 ghz cores vs a Dual Core with 3.2 ghz cores, the Dual core will run software that is not quad core supported faster.

how does that work?

i'm not arguing, but, in windows can you not select certain cores for system only, and certain cores for apps......

surely that'd result in a faster system all round?
I would look on ebay, thats where I got my desktop. There are many custom guys that build pretty powerful PCs for around 400$
Or you could look at their refurbished dell's which are pretty good.

And BTW I have a 2.7ghz dual core refurbished Dell w. 4 gigs of ram and I use FL alot. It runs really well, never has frozen on me.
how does that work?

i'm not arguing, but, in windows can you not select certain cores for system only, and certain cores for apps......

surely that'd result in a faster system all round?

You can select how many cores to run. But if, for example, say FL Studio only supports dual core, now say a dual core running at 3.8 ghz cores cost $60 and a quad running 3.0 ghz cores costs $160, the dual core 3.8 ghz will run FL studio quicker. Plus its cheaper. I actually went through the whole dual/quad core thing with my DAW. My old version only supported dual core and I went from a dual core cpu to a quad and lost a hell of alot of performance. Same system, just threw in a new quad core cpu. So I put the old cpu back in. My DAW now supports quad core and Im back to using the quad. So its about the number of cores supported and the individual core speed.
i guess i just assumed quad was faster, period,

cos i upgraded from an e6600 @ 3.0 to a q9550 @ 3.4 and the difference is immense.....

then again, that is a hell of a leap, and PT might even support quad cores,,,,idk...

anyways,,thanks for the info.