looking for some feedback on my first songs?


New member
i'm very very new to recording. and music in general i guess. i'm trying to get constructive criticism i guess, so if you're just an elitist asshole, don't bother responding to this post.

here are the first few songs i recorded, i'm not looking to make the best recording, i kinda like lo-fi sorta stuff, but i would like suggestions in how to mix better and the such. i just use sonar for right now.

anyway here's the link to my myspace, i'd say listen to manger song and corner of the earth and tell me what you think about those...


matt squires
No bugs as far as I can see. The style suits the lo-fi production so well and the songs shine through very nicely indeed.

I really like the style actually. Very Steven Malkmus/Willy Mason.

I really like the fluffs on the piano too - it all seems to work real well!

Really lovely bass sound on Corner of the Earth. Great lyrics too - "she was fighting off the bible/and that God almighty church".

Austin's a great spot for music. I can see you knocking 'em out at SXSW in a couple of years!
Both tracks are basically sound. The lead vocals are unusual and interesting, but I wonder whether I could see myself listening to a whole album, or whether I would have had enough after a couple of tracks.

Lyrically the songs are better than average, with original turns of phrase and novel themes.

As I listened, only a few things commanded my attention:

1 On both tracks (Manger and Corner) I sensed a timing tension, as if, during tracking, piano was occasionally and slightly ahead of the kit . . . or it may have been around the other way . . . it's hard to tell . . . but it's like an itch you can't scratch, and detracts from the pleasure of listening.

2 On Manger, there was a guitar or something coming out the left . . . a far way to the left. Though it wasn't loud, it didn't sound integrated with the rest of the instruments . . . sort of out there, all by itself.

3 On Corner, the instruments were forward in the mix. The vocals, though audible enough, seemed to sit much further back. I would be interested in seeing whether you could get them forward, sitting more on the front line, but without necessarily increasing their level.

4 It seemed to me that the kit was a bit dull sounding. Maybe this is part of your preference for a lo-fi sound.

Overall I enjoyed the tracks, and though they showed signs of considerable creativity and originality. There is a potential there to carve yourself out an interesting musical niche. However, though enjoying the tracks, they didn't set my pulse racing . . . but I imagine there are others who might get more excited by them.

Good luck with them!
sorry it took me a while to get back to you. thanks for the great feedback.

hmm, i don't know what the timing tension would have stemmed from but i'll make sure to take extra care when recording the rhythm next time.

how would i get the vocals forward without increasing their level? just lowering the other instruments?