looking for reading material

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New member
Hello everyone I am a guitar player getting into recording for my band. Since I have a fairly good ear ( I run our PA) I was elected to to the recording for our demos and record live jobs. I have wrote patches on digital guitar pedals for years so I have a BASIC under standing of effects however I am totally lost as how to use dynamics and effects to better a recording. Filters and multiband compressors are just 2 of the things that I cannot quite wrap my head around. I was wondering if there is a web site or a book I could buy to get me started. I have read the sticky in the newbee section and seen those books I was looking more for a tutorial type of book or website. As I said I have a decent ear so I know what it needs to sound like I know I know thats the easy part the hard part is getting there and I am currently stuck there :confused: thanks for the help. Oh yea I am using the lexicon omega and a yamaha aw1600 multi-track recorder with decent transparent preamps, I record the band to the the yamaha and drop the tracks to the P.C. via usb from the yamaha it drops each track down in wav format and I import the waves into cubase that part is working great. Just thought maybe you would need to know my hardware to help.

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