Looking For Instrument Frequency Chart


New member

I'm looking for a chart that indicates what the approximate frequencies of different instruments should be in a proper mix.


Drums **Hz - **KHz - Bass **Hz - **KHz etc.

A graphic chart would be nice.

Thanks A Lot,

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I've got one, but not with me- its a photo copy from a class a took a while back- i'll find it scan it and post it- give me a day or 2 to dig it out- unless someone else has somethin....

Thanks Jugalo, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm looking more for a graphical representation of where the instruments sit in the mix, not what different frequencies do to the sound of individual characteristics of instruments.

Thanks though...

Hmmm...I have heard people talking abut these 'frequencies' before, but I dont know how to set a given frequency for an instrument.

The alesis PDF says the Electric Guitar should be set to: Body at 250Hz and Clarity at 2.5KHz. Sorry to be stupid, but how does this information convert to practical knob twiddling? Is it in the EQ?


I think it more a matter of if you feel its lacking or excessive- it gives a starting point for where to tweek- i think its also benificial to know how and where instruments fit into the mix- frequency wise- these arent rules- but general guidlines- of course if we could all track perfectly in the first place, we wouldnt need to tweak :)- and yeah its in the eq jono- take this info for what its worth- it does not tell you how to record- more what you you are recording- it supplimental information

tried to check out...

info kremit, but....when trying to print, it would not fit on the page. Any suggestions about this, just want some additional guidance to get me pointed in the tight direction...

BMORRIS- - right click and hit "print image" and look through the tabs for an option to "scale to fit page"