Looking for free program that converts .wav to mp3 online download


New member
That doesn't leave a voice watermark on the converted file.
Sorry if this is stupid request but I'm new at all this.
Thanks in advance.
I just use the player in my computer for that. I think it's media player or something.
Just looked and ya go to "organize" "options" "rip music" tab and then click on the "windows media audio" and grab mp3.

I always set mine to 320 for better clarity.
and if ya don't use that then....
I dunno. :D

but I'm pretty sure almost all players have this option.
it shows as a free download too. Is that right? or free to try? er what?

Free but there is a dll (for Windows OS) to convert mp3 as MP3is a propriety format. Audacity can't distribute it, but it gives pretty clear and easy instructions on how to do this with links.
Hey thanks alot for the suggestions guys.
I did this quick and easy recording on using audacity but the lexicon alpha came with recording software that I'll install and start using. I followed the links on audacity (as recommended above) and was able to convert it. TOLD YA I WAS A NEWBIE!!!
and so it begins, my first home recording. Didn't read the manual, didn't even tune the instruments. But here it is for your amusement.
-------------------- Hope to get better at this soon.
My snobby ass wouldn't be caught dead with Audacity on my computer. So I download it, use it and delete it. :D

It's free and if I remember correctly can convert to most any audio format.
Hey thanks alot for the suggestions guys.
I did this quick and easy recording on using audacity but the lexicon alpha came with recording software that I'll install and start using. I followed the links on audacity (as recommended above) and was able to convert it. TOLD YA I WAS A NEWBIE!!!
and so it begins, my first home recording. Didn't read the manual, didn't even tune the instruments. But here it is for your amusement.
-------------------- Hope to get better at this soon.

Good job. You'll want to use whatever software came with your Lexicon over Audacity. It will be much better suited for multitracking. Audacity has its place, but not as the heart of a computer-based studio.