Looking for feedback


New member
Most on the vocal here, first person I sent it to said "not your best work". I keep listening back and think it's pretty good. Figured maybe you all could give me some input.

Is the vocal bad or off key? Mixing horrible? Or fine and just wasn't his cup of tea.

View attachment Hey Brother -New.mp3
Not a bad tune at all. BUT. At around 1:20 or so when the vocal goes up it's like you're struggling to stay in key and not quite making it.
Nice song, the piano seems to have a scooped EQ sound. Your voice is a little distant and tehre's an od reverb tail on things that isn't terribly helpful.
Yes, you do strain badly with the change.
More rehearsal is needed to make the most of the song.
Nice tune. I could see this one with a lonesome fiddle, mandolin....and civil war photo montage. Nice start. Keep going.

You can hit that note, you're almost there.
I like the song and I like the arrangement. I think the singing is pretty good. I agree you drift/strain a bit with the singing around 1:18. Vis-a-vis the mix, maybe a little more level automation on the vocals? It seems to me the vocal should start a little more quiet and less aggressive, so you can build energy toward the chorus. This is an artistic decision though. Reverb tail might be too long...you should still be able to get the sense of space with a shorter reverb.
I'll keep at it. Cool suggestions on the reverb and such, I'll have to take a look. There is currently no automation on it. Some compression and little EQ, reverb and delay.
Great song! I really like the sound of your voice.
My constructive criticism:
I think I'd take down the level of the vocals a little overall.
And yes there are some vocal problem spots esp. when it goes higher, and a little here and there as well.
I'd say overall a great song and a good performance, but to be professional quality the vocal needs to be cleaned up quite a bit.
I agree with the 1:18 comments, another go or two would smooth that out. I also think a bit more reverb, especially where you sing oh brother, oh sister, a nice echo there would really sound cool, then dry it back up afterwards.

Nice tune.
Listening back now (a few days later) I can hear more of the flaws. It's funny how once you have been listening to something a lot you get used to hearing them I guess and they don't sound like flaws.

I will give it another few tries and see if I can do better.