Looking for an 8 Track Analog Recorder


Diamond Rio Monitors

I am in the market for an analog 8/16 track recorder.
Anyone have something for sale?

PM me if you know of something.



I am in the market for an analog 8/16 track recorder.
Anyone have something for sale?

PM me if you know of something.


a lot of folks look on craigslist where you can sometimes see and hear machine before buying.
i get many machines off of ebay but it can be risky, not seeing or hearing before buying. also, shipping can cause issues sometimes.
I am going to pickup a Tascam 38 tomorrow. I will report back to everyone and maybe include some pics.



I have my tascam 38 which appears to work. The deal also came with (4) replacement motors..... just in case I need them. 2 empty reels and one reel of tape all metal and a punch in switch.

I will get some pics together and post.......

I am looking for a PDF manual for the Tascam 38 if anyone can help.


pdf manuals are difficult to come by.... your best bet is to contact tascam directly and order a reprint, their rates are quite reasonable.
As Promised... some Pics!

Here is the analog gear i have acquired over the last month.




Can someone recommend a head cleaning procedure for the Tascam 38... they look dirty.

Best Regards,

Can someone recommend a head cleaning procedure for the Tascam 38... they look dirty.

They are. I wouldn't wonder if it was that Ampex tape that did that, you probably want to ditch it unless there's anything interesting on it, in which case it'll need to be 'baked' before playing again. But I digress.

The usual way to clean heads is Isopropyl Alcohol. Try to make sure sure it's at least 90% pure and has minimal water content in it. Use cotton swabs across the heads and the stuff should come off. I use cotton buds and haven't had any problems.
I think I posted this in one of your other threads. Alcohol the highest % you can get and makeup wipes. This was recommended to me by another guy on the forum and it works flawlessly. I can email you a copy of the 38 manual. PM me if you still need it. It is in PDF format.

Where would I get Alcohol that is 90% or better?
All I have is 70% ! which is garden variety rubbing alcohol.

Where would I get Alcohol that is 90% or better?
All I have is 70% ! which is garden variety rubbing alcohol.

Places that sell tape usually sell it. In the UK, Studiospares. In the US or somewhere, someone else will have to answer that. However, I wouldn't use the 70% stuff as it has too much water and may rust the heads, which you Do Not Want.
In the US, 90%+ is available at the drugstore or in the pharmacy area of many supermarkets. You may have to ask the pharmicist for it, but its not regulated or restricted on anything.