Looking for a good pair of recording/monitoring headphones and a headphone amp...

triple cubic

New member
I'm looking for a good pair of headphones that I can both record AND monitor on. My most important criteria is that they not give feedback into the microphone, so closed-ear style is a must.

Also, does anyone know of any decent but affordable headphones amps I could get to go along with this? I don't plan on buying fancy mixing speakers just yet, so these headphones will be my only source for monitoring for a while. I'm looking for some good stuff.

Thanks, again, everyone.

- Akwah
Also, I was wondering... Do the headphone amps plug directly into my soundcard? I am recording off my Delta 1010-LT and monitoring with my SB Audigy... So I need a headphone amp that I can plug right into my SB Audigy. Thanks...
as far as the headphones, the Sony MDR7506's seem to be a popular choice amongst the 100's of headphone threads started.....

how many people will be monitoring?
I believe that the AKG 250's are the very best you can get under $100. <despite what Gidge would have you beleive:p >

I've auditioned the Sony's at a busy music store.

Even with the sample material cranked to almost painful, I could still hear all the "rock star" consumers, inside the cans.

I did not find these headphones to be all they are cracked up to be for isolation.

As for comfort, my ears started to hurt after only about 20 minutes or so.

You'll all but forget your wearing the AKGs after many hours of use.

The AKGs are also flatter sounding. The Sony's tend to boost the low end some.

Do the AKG 250's have closed ear design so that the mic won't pick up any sound from them? Also, what's a decent headphone amp? I found one at SamAsh and MusiciansFriend, and it's about 80 bucks...
Also, you said AKG 250's? I performed a search for 250's, but I don't think AKG makes a headphone model called 250... There's only 240M and 240DF as far as I saw...
Carl, do you have AOL Instant Messenger? If you do, could you give me your screen name? Mine is "RyRy2K." You seem to know alot about this stuff...

Can you recommend a good headphone amp?
Do yourself a favor, Triple

About 12 threads down from the top of the "Equipment Reviews" forum is a thread about finding cheap headphones.

Read that thread, but more importantly, read the threads that are linked within that thread.

The best headphone debates from this BBS are represented (and it was all just reposted a few days ago).

Actually, here, just click thisHeadphones on a budget thread

Thanks, Carl... I looked through that thread, and I think I'm going to go with the Sony 7506's. They're a closed ear design, something you can't get from the AKG's.

Does anyone know if the Sony 7506's really need a headphone amp? Or do they sound okay plugged right into the soundcard? Holla back...