looking at the DMP3 or prenous bluetube DP stereo pre

I have the DMP3 and it works fine for me. I've never used the PreSonus, so can't help with a comparison. The DMP3 seems to be very quiet, and the sounds I capture seem to be clean, and what I hear from the original sound. I'm happy with it.
dmp3 no contest. I own the dmp3 and sold the dp. The presonus got really noisey when pushed and felt cheap all around while the dmp3 is super clean all the way up, great pre for the price, no question.
48 VDC phantom
Hi/Lo Gain switches on each channel
Low Cut / 75 Hz on each channel
Gain control knob and VU meters

Simple, clean and effective.
The only drawback I've noticed at all was the fact its slightly taller than 1 rack space which sucks for me cause I had one space left.
the DP I bought was either defective or complete crap. I traded it for 2 tubepres. I don't know why, but I really like them. I've got 3. I like them on the bd and overheads to squash them out a bit...(if you like that sort of thing....)
after readin i also here teh vtb-1 is good and is 50 bucks cheaper for rap vocals which would do me better dmp3 or the vtb-1. the mic i use is a audiotechnica 3035
I love my DMP-3 but the one thing it isn't great on is vocals. If it's just for recording vocals and you only need 1 channel I'd go with the vtb-1.

Never used any presonus stuff.
You guys crack my shit up.

"Don't get this $100 / channel mic pre, because it isn't good for vocals. Instead, you should get this other el-cheapo bluelight special dollar-store pre, because, damn, it's just so much sweeter on vocals."

chessrock said:
You guys crack my shit up.
"Don't get this $100 / channel mic pre, because it isn't good for vocals. Instead, you should get this other el-cheapo bluelight special dollar-store pre, because, damn, it's just so much sweeter on vocals."

Chess why do you keep on beating up HomeRecorders up.
It is a hobby for a lot of us and we don't have thousands of dollars to spend on a pre.

When you learned how to drive I bet you started out with a pice of shit and then upgraded as you got better, or are you just a rich kid that mommy and daddy got you what you want.

You do give us a lot of good info but you rag on our gear a lot.
timboZ said:
Chess why do you keep on beating up HomeRecorders up.

Because you guys ask for it, sometimes. :D

I'm sorry, but saying something like the dmp3 "isn't good for vocals" ... just doesn't make any sense.

What does that even mean? Jesus, guys. Yea, this mic supplies plenty of good, clean gain for a microphone. But only if that mic is pointed at a guitar or something ? ? I mean what are the chances someone is going to plug a mic in to a DMP-3, sing in to it, listen, and say ... "Na. Not quite there ..." and then switch it out in to a VTB1 and say "Oh yea ... that's it" ? ? It's just a bunch of mental masturbation passed around on message boards, because if anyone ever were to even bother, they are SO NOT going to be able to hear any meaningful difference other than maybe placebo effect caused by expectations. I'm sorry, but your monitors probably aren't there ... your ears probably aren't there ... and your testing methodology certainly the hell ain't there.

Someone even mentioned something along the lines of "don't get it if it's for rap vocals." :D Come on, guys. Knock it off. I'm sure you went and tested the dmp3 in a head-to-head shootout ... pitting rap against polka ... jazz against pop. And to the conclusion of the educated masses, it was indeed determined that the DMP3 was lacking in the rap department, but was simply the balls on New Age.

I'm not bashing anyone's gear. There's just no real substance behind half of generalized statements that you guys throw around. It's like you're just throwing words out there because they sound good
