Looking at a new bass...have Carvin


New member
In fact I have two. One older (7 years old) LB70 with active electronics, and a year old B4, also with actives and a swamp ash body.

I love the sound of these intruments, although the B4 has a noise issue I need to look into. Great top end, but bottoms can be a little on edge and unclear at times. And I can get a good midrange, just not that Fender "growl" that I sometimes need. I like the "smoothness" of the Carvin, but sometimes it's just missing something.

I'm looking for a good all around bass that doesn't cost a whole lot (under a grand). I mostly play in a punk band, but do a few side projects where I lay down anything from hip hop tracks to walking lines. I imagine I'm asking for a lot, but the closest thing to it would suffice. Thanks ahead. :)

I absolutely LOVE my Bunny 5-string! My guitar tech just informed my after setting-up my instrument that the neck wood wasn't prepared properly at the factory and now can't be set-up properly.
He did say, however, that Carvin would have no problem fixing it but being my only bass at this time, it will have to wait.

As far as other very high quality basses under a grand, I'm in the same boat. That's always been my limit too(hey, it's a piece of wood!).
Actually, you'll find some great, hip Korean-made ones but I'm tired of those and like my custom ones now after getting the Bunny.

Look at the Washburn basses. I had a 6-string that rocked! Was my main bass for years.

Keep me informed of your search!

T. Alan
an option to consider...

Look for a used Fender American P-Bass Deluxe (new is out of range you listed.) I've seen them from $600 up.

It's tonal variety is great. Mine has yet to fail me in the studio. And I'll use it live for certain shows (It is heavy though. But the tone...)

Active Electronics. (Very quiet... considering it's not the best shielding I've ever seen) The double jazz pick-up at the bridge should have been used on their Jazz Bass deluxe.

If you can work with a heavy bass with that typical (o.k., chunky) P-Bass neck give it a try. I prefer my Jazz's neck... but I love the sounds this one gives me.
$600 for a used Am. St. P-Bass! What a crock! I remember a few years ago when the came out with the "American Standard" series and they sold new for about $700.
Ever hear of TBC- The Bass Company? I never had; it may be a local maker. I got one on 'summer end closeout' for $440 I think it lists for 700. American made, string through body, solid ash, beefy ass f!@kin' solid lookin' humbucker, active electronics or pickups or both or whatever- I'm no expert. All I know is I compared it to several Mex Fenders and Ibanez in similar price range and there was no comparison whatsoever in quality or tone. I really didn't think I'd be able to tell much difference in tone. I'm pretty green and not too particular about these things usually. I never thought I could get excited about a bass but this is really nice.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm trying to get my hands on anything at this point, and will try harder to get ahold of what you guys have recommended.

I'd like to keep it under a grand, but I realize what I'd be getting. I'll take the extra month to save up, since I'm not in a big rush. So a grand is just a guideline. $1250 is doable. :)

I've played an American P-Bass Deluxe. Great intrument, in fact I almost bought a new one a while ago. But the price wasn't justified compared to what I was getting out of my Carvin. It did have that midrange growl I'm looking for. But that's the problem, a little too much of it and not enough of the other stuff I'm looking for. Although, it was passive...

I'll check out an active.

In addition, I've got a few recommendations for G&L. I'm meeting up with Wallycleaver tomorrow (to look at my PA speakers) at a shop that sells 'em, so I'll let you know what I think.

I've heard of The Bass Company but haven't seen them around here. I'll do an Internet search and ask around.

Thanks again.
T. Alan... P-Bass DELUXE

T. Alan... $700 for a New American P-Bass.. yes, American P-Bass Deluxe.. no.(It's a whole different baby.) It's been a while, but I think the list was close to $1400 (I'll happily stand corrected). Sorry if any confusion.

Kermit... Just threw it out there for thought. The last two engineers I've been fortunate enough to get to work with, have made me offers for mine. It's not for sale, but that says something. Maybe I got that magic tree? Who knows...

Good luck with your hunt.

I have only one thing to say:

Musicman Stingray

the most amazing bass ive ever played. Dunno what they retail for over there tho might be a little bit pricey. But they are amazing fluid to play and i think most of the models come with active eq as standard for tonal fun.

Now all i gotta do is save up for one!
I'll vouch for the Fender American Deluxe P-Bass. I picked up mine new(with case) at Sam Ash last x-mas for $1050.00. Sunburst finish. I think if you want solid color finish it's a hundred bucks less. It's a heavy (weight) bass. I love the sounds I get with it, the way it feels, and it's a beautifully crafted instrument, as well.

Does anyone know why the 5 string version of this bass costs less than the 4 string?
hixmix... just a guess...

5 inline gotohs! how horribly un-Fender. Do they work, yes, I've had them on other basses. Do they look as good as those classic fender keys that first said "electric bass"? ...not even close.

I saw an ad for the new 5-string squire with the 5th offset (kind of like Earnie Ball). That's the look the higher end models should be emulating.

Here's my guess. Sales were suffering on the 5 strings because of appearance. Fender figured out the mistake in design and is correcting it. Meanwhile, the old "ugly" five strings are being discounted to move them out for the new to come in.

Complete speculation, of course. But it makes sense to me.

Good theory! I'll have to keep my eye on the prices of those things to see if they keep dropping.