Logic Users


Guinea Pig
Hi all,

Posting here as there's no logic forum..

Possibly a very 'newbie' question regarding it, but whenever i create a project and import audio from my external HD. Saving the project, and coming back to it the next day (Or later date) it cant find the audio files.

I've tried consolidating etc.. But i cant seem to figure out why it's doing it! Doing my nut in to be honest..

Anyone got any ideas? (bringing the audio to my main HD wont work as there's over 400gb of audio files i'm choosing from..)

Hope someone can give me some pointers,


Just save the song as a project so all the audio files are saved with it.

Make sure u are saving to the right HD. The first time you record audio it should ask for the name and where you want to save, double check you are saving to the right HD
Well Logic is on my internal main HD. The sounds i'm importing are from an external HD (Due to the vast amount of .wavs on there *500gb*).

When i'm finished, i 'save project as' on my internal HD and it says 'copying audio files across. However, when i close down my computer, and then reopen it just doesn't seem to find them.

It's only Logic Express i'm using, this isn't anything to do with it is it?

I had an engineer in the other day and asked him to look at it, he couldn't seem to understand why it was doing it and so told me i'd probably be best uninstalling it all and reinstalling it. (Which i will be trying soon when i have a bit of time)

Any other tips, i'd appreciate it. Thanks guys,
When you save as a project it should be setting up folders within your songs

on the HD you specified.folders for your wav. file , bouces, etc should all be

there inside the main folder once you save as a project. Not sure why it

wouldn't do that. I work with pro so you might have to switch some other

type of preference to get it to work.

Good Luck
Well, reinstalling it seemed to do the trick.. Very strange - but just happy it's working now.

Still very paranoid about shutting down projects, especially when you have over 40 minutes of 20+ track automated audio there.. Everytime i open it up i'm worried of seeing the dreaded 'yellow and black' audio bars..

All seems fine mind you.. Thanks for the tips lads,