Logic express 8, Protools 6.9?


I have Logic express 8 as well as protools m-box le 6.9 and cubase le 4.
I just recently dusted off the protools and have been recording a bit
and learning how to edit with it (2 of my music buddys use protools and we've been
doing projects together and I can transfer whole files directly to their systems via flashdrive without having to convert to wav). In protools there is a way to change volume with a line that appears on the track so you can raise or lower the volume of the whole track or use it as a fade in and out on a peak or if you've got the time, do a vibrato on a guitar part on the whole track.
My question is; can Logic exp. do this and what would it be called or is it exclusively
a protools feature?

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I think the feature you're referring to is called automation. Here's what it looks like in Logic:


You can view/edit automation in Logic by clicking on the "Automation" icon that you see at the top of the image.