Logic audio and midi, anyone?


New member
Dear all, I wonder if anyone could be so kind to help me out. I've recently turned from die hard analog to Logic. I love the programme.. but I can't find any support forums, this seems to be the closest thing, so can anyone spare a few minutes to help me out?

Two things really..

My set up: PC (unfortunately) high end P4, 512mb ram, two 8gb drives, M-audio audiophile 2496 sound card running Logic Audio.

Two problems

1. Intermittent crackling when recording Audio. Very weird one this.. Basically it just happens sometimes when you start logic, when a completely clean signal from my pre amp sounds ok when recording but has what I would call "digital" crackling on play back. I restart logic 3-4 times and then it's ok. I try recording in other programmes and it's ok.. anyone come accross this? the input into my machine is fine..

2. Midi set up, I've never really touched MIDI apart from the odd bit of guide sequencing as I work as organic as possible. I really want to start using MIDI in some new logic sessions but just can't seem to be able to get a sound... If anyone out there happens to know both my soundcard and logic that would be superb

Many thanks in advance