Logic 7 tutorials


New member
anyone know of a good online tutorial site for logic 7?

this thing is foreign to me. I'm so used to dp and pro tools and i can hardly believe how different logic is.

free tutorials would be optimal, or a really cheap book or dvd.
i've found the manual difficult to deal with, and i can't find specific help.

anyone know if there are hotkeys for the toolbar? i can't stand having to go click on the velocity tool whenever I want to change the velocity of a note?

also, manuals don't really explain much on how a product is intended to be used, just how to do specific things. I've found I learn better if i can watch how someone uses a program, pointing out what they are doing, or doing it with them, rather than having it only technically explained in a manual
Well if the manual states what a specific product does or its functions, then dont u think u can deal with that product after acknowledging what it does? Its better to study off a manual because the geeks who write the manuals are aware of even the most smallest piece of functions in the software. If u want to learn by watching someone else using a program, then u wont learn anything from it because everyone uses softwares differently. What if that person has different hardware such as a DAW controller? things will be different for a person to learn if he/she dont own such product, right?
often times there are tips and tricks in a program that the manual doesn't mention, or that you would have to read the entire manual to find.

for instance in logic, like i was saying, in the manual there was no place that states any hot-keys for the tools, however that might not mean that no hot-keys exist.

now please, rather than trying to convince me i'm asking for the wrong thing either help me out or don't post in this thread.

-again, anyone know of any logic pro 7 website tutorials or good, inexpensive tutorial dvds?
Here is a link to an online tutorial site. I haven't seen one for 7.0 but 6.0 shouldn't be too much different.

The Hotkeys are located in Options>Settings>Key Commands.
studiomaster said:
Well if the manual states what a specific product does or its functions, then dont u think u can deal with that product after acknowledging what it does? Its better to study off a manual because the geeks who write the manuals are aware of even the most smallest piece of functions in the software. If u want to learn by watching someone else using a program, then u wont learn anything from it because everyone uses softwares differently. What if that person has different hardware such as a DAW controller? things will be different for a person to learn if he/she dont own such product, right?

The geeks who write manuals may be aware of the "smallest piece of functions in software", but this awareness doesn't always translate in to comprehensible instructions in a manual. I have found that Logic manuals (and I expect that Logic is not unique in this) are not very helpful in explaining how to use the product. One of the reasons is that the geeks know so much that they don't realise what the non-geeks don't know, and they presume (not necessarily intentionally) a high level of background knowledge on the part of the user.

Watching someone using the software is not a bad way of learning it. Most of the learning we do is through on-the-job training, where you can get specific and task-directed guidance from someone who knows. That way you can get answers to the questions when you need them to be answered. Manuals are not good at this.

I agree that there is a downside. One is that you may be shown techniques for which there are better options; options that whoever is showing you doesn't know about. And, as you note, they may have different hardware/software configurations.
And logics a bloody twisted program.

Used to be that Emagic *never* made electronic versions of its manuals so you could always tell a Logic pirate...."Uh, I just, uh, got Logic and, um... how do I use it? The manual is, uh, confusing. Yeah."

Apple policy is to have all its manuals online, though, so its not a given anymore. I think you may be getting some left over "is this a software thief?!" undercurrent- if you're wondering why folks aren't just answering your question.

Have fun,
thanks for the link willis.

logic is a twisted program! its really the only audio program that i've had trouble getting used to. ..live took some time but thats so different as well. its frustrated me to no end and the manual really makes it worse not explaining certain things.

btw, i didn't even think it was possible to pirate logic, as it uses a usb dongle.

-not to mention the gigabytes of space the instruments take up
n8tron said:
thanks for the link willis.

logic is a twisted program! its really the only audio program that i've had trouble getting used to. ..live took some time but thats so different as well. its frustrated me to no end and the manual really makes it worse not explaining certain things.

btw, i didn't even think it was possible to pirate logic, as it uses a usb dongle.

-not to mention the gigabytes of space the instruments take up

You're welcome.

I learned(actually still learning) on Logic. It's a pain in the ass.
yes, there are still so many questions that I have... I just don't get how things work.

I'm making it a point to learn as many of the top daws that I can. I started on digital performer, then pro tools was a snap. now its logic... and I just don't get it!

i finally figured a little bit about rewiring in logic but I don't get how the tracks work. for example sometimes I run out of tracks all the sudden, or I can only have so many audio tracks. maybe i'm adding them the wrong way, i don't know.
both, but sometimes the audio tracks are for rewire.

i was able to set up rewire, but i was not able to get multiple seperate reason midi tracks working off of different instruments in reason

i find if i "delete" tracks i can't add them later... or that i can add multiple of the same track.. just very different from what i'm used to