Local tape sales in Portland


New member
Odd how you come to find a local store that sells tape. Here in Portland I can recommend SuperDigital (1150 NW 17th) www.superdigital.com

The story goes like this:

I was looking to see if MRL would give a qty discount on MRL tapes. Turns out that they do not and they suggested that I contact the local MRL Rep - SuperDigital.

I talked with Donny at SD who said that they do not give qty discounts but there was a slight discount off list on MRL anyway. In talking with Donny and looking over their web page I find out that they stock both RMGI and ATR tape. Right here in River City.

Today I dropped by the store and picked up the MRL's I ordered and a few reels ATR. They have a very nice looking Studer 2" 24 track for sale, a couple MCI and a teac or 2. On consignment. Lots of mics and vintage preamps plus the typical digital stuff. As well as 650 MB Archival CDR.

It is odd as that they were located in a building that I went to for the last 30 years and I never noticed them. This posting is word of mouth - I am just a satisfied customer....

So for you if you check the MRL dealer list you may find a vendow that stocks tape in your city.

Regards, Ethan

PS, If you get anything from them tell them that Ethan sent you.

Regards, Ethan
super digital

I've been going to Super Digital for years because they had tape. Noone else does/did.

I've been paying $45 for a 10.5" reel of RMGI and just recently I discovered the folks at Splicit, a little operation on the Oregon Coast. I found them because they had splicing tape, Super Digital did not.

Upon investigation I can get the same 10.5" reels of RMGI for $31, and they can ship them Media Mail which is next to nothing for shipping, so I have to say I won't be going to Super Digital anymore!

Nice people for sure, but I can't afford the markup!

here in austin, we have a shop that sells tape too (RMGI and ATR plus whatever NOS Quantegy is left). its called PRO TAPE. pretty cool!
Melbourne, Australia.... store called Cats (cassette and tape suppliers) sell analog tape (NOS Quantegy and RMGI), cassette tape (EMTEC chrome or ferro tape), DAT, ADATS, leader tape and splicing tape, empty spools etc. even NAB adaptors.

Isn't that handy? would probably not have gotten into analog tape if i didn't have this store around the corner.
Odd how you come to find a local store that sells tape. Here in Portland I can recommend SuperDigital (1150 NW 17th) www.superdigital.com

The story goes like this:

I was looking to see if MRL would give a qty discount on MRL tapes. Turns out that they do not and they suggested that I contact the local MRL Rep - SuperDigital.

I talked with Donny at SD who said that they do not give qty discounts but there was a slight discount off list on MRL anyway. In talking with Donny and looking over their web page I find out that they stock both RMGI and ATR tape. Right here in River City.

Today I dropped by the store and picked up the MRL's I ordered and a few reels ATR. They have a very nice looking Studer 2" 24 track for sale, a couple MCI and a teac or 2. On consignment. Lots of mics and vintage preamps plus the typical digital stuff. As well as 650 MB Archival CDR.

It is odd as that they were located in a building that I went to for the last 30 years and I never noticed them. This posting is word of mouth - I am just a satisfied customer....

So for you if you check the MRL dealer list you may find a vendow that stocks tape in your city.

Regards, Ethan

PS, If you get anything from them tell them that Ethan sent you.

Regards, Ethan

You get your grubby mitts of my tape deck!!! Thanks for the site. I am amazed at the things they sell at what looks to be a nice price.
Let's turn this into...

.... a list of places to buy tape locally. Sure you can buy it through the internet. But when you are short a reel and need it now you might want to know where to go.

So share your local tape vendor here.
I discovered the folks at Splicit, a little operation on the Oregon Coast.

i got exited when i read "oregon coast' - might as well be california for me though...

good to know about these anyway - i used to go into superdigital quite a bit a while back, they always seemed to have some used gear around, and a freebox at the door with old mags and odd cables which is cool (don't know if they still do that) - they are also good about letting you test out their preamps with your own mics etc. (it seemed the clerk was happy to have some distraction - not what you'd call a crowded place) last time i've been in there was before Tradeup was around - i guess that's (TradeUp) my place now for idle used gear browsing when in PDX... but of course i don't think they stock new tape (if there were enough demand i guess they would - likely at a good price) its possible used tape has been through there though - one would just have to ask... i'll check next time i'm in town. :cool:
Wow, that is so cool!

The only kind of store in the East Bay is Leo's Pro Audio. They're vital and very important, but expensive. They sell RMGI tape *above* list price, so I always order my tape online.

If you need ANYTHING, though, go to the accessories counter and they'll get you hooked up with whatever you need.