Live recording and compressors/gates


New member
I´m about to make a live recording of my rockband using a 4 track MD and 2 AKG C1000s mics. I will record 3 tracks simultanesly. Track 3 will be the vocal directly from the mixer. Keyboards will be recorded on track 4 later. I have 2 questions:
- I will record the whole band in stereo using the 2 mics. Should I use my ALESIS NANO comp between the mics and the recorder and what should be the settings.
- Should I use a compressor with gate for the vocal track, trying to isolate the vocal and "kill" the band.
Or shoul I forget about the fancy stuff and just plug the mics into the recorder?
Best regards
Peter (the dane) Live from Copenhagen!
Yo Peter the Great Dane:

I would suggest that you turn the reverb on while recording because it adds dimension in the headset -- makes the voice sound wunderbar.

Most recorders will let you hear the reverb in the headset but will not actually record it unless you push the right buttons on some units. My MD-8 digital 8 track is like that.

I think it is best to ADD the reverb on your final mix because you may tweak other tracks and you may want to tweak a reverb patch. [you can't do that with a nano -- it's a no-tweak box] But, you may decide to use another reverb room when you listen to your cut on the MONITORS. Always listen on the monitors before you mix to tape or DAT; the headphones are too good an environment and what you set-up and hear on a good headset, you will not get on the mix.

Also, do three/four/five mixes and use different reverbs. This will enlarge your creative expertise.

Keep twiddeling those dials and don't let too much beer lixiviate through your system.

The Green Hornet