Live Preformances & Firebox


New member
Is it possible to do a live performance with my Firebox? Like either have the speakers connected to the firebox, or even through a laptop (that way I could do live effects as I go). What software would allow me to do live effects, if I can?

What type of inst. are you performing with? Midi inst / or are you going in with a mic/guitar and plan to use SW effect?

The main concern is going to be latency and dependability. Will the LT have a delay ...if you leave plugins/sw up running through your whole performance do you need to worry about crashes/lags/windows & sounds popping up.

I would say you can definitly do this but need to experiment so you know what sounds good (i find lots of SW plugins sound good at studio volume but not amplified in performance).

I would have no reservations using my Firepod with my MacBook pro/Logic software for something like a coffee shop with a T5 acoustic electric and vocals. I would probably not use it to go direct into a PA with a drums/bass rock setup.

It all depends though.
Yeah, it would just be a small show, acoustic and vocals. Maybe some drums (looking for a drummer), but they wouldnt need to be amplified.
I would think as long as your machine is fast and you set your memory bufferys lower ...a lower buffer will have a faster sonic response but also require more processing power from your machine.

So its sort of a threshold you need to play with and hear ow things respond
like shawntp said, its really up to experimentation. just try it out with both setups (although i also agree that studio volume doesnt translate that well in a live PA setup) and see which one u like better. i would assume it shouldnt be a problem unless ur computer cant handle a 45 minute set without any hickups (ex: freeze, lag, etc.).

just go try it out and tell us the results -_-.

another thing is if u decide to have drums, bass, guitar, and vocals, ur already at 4 mics minimum and that would be a pretty raw input, especially for the drums. might need to invest in a mixer w/ at least 2+2 sub outs and 4 direct outs (3 direct outs for each mic on vocals, guitar, and bass, then the alt3/4 for ur drums). its definately doable if ur computer can handle it ! -_-