Live performance - realtime audio recording and looping


New member
Not sure if this is the right section to post...I'm, looking for a way to perform live but with ability to record and instantly loop various acoustic and virtual instruments. I've heard of Ableton Live, but I don't know if it offers the ability to instantly record and loop, for example an acoustic guitar?

Here's an example of the setup I'd like, remember it's a live performance:
- start with some beat
- record a few bars of live guitar onto it and instantly set it to loop
- play and/or record other external and/or virtual instruments on top of that
- etc.

since it's multiple instruments looping at the same time, I'm looking for something more complex and flexible than a simple "looping machine"

Maybe someone could help me out with some advice?
No, it sounds like you want a high-end looper or two, not a DAW. Look up info on Howie Day - he uses two loopers for guitar and 2 for voice as well as FX on both.
I would say, Ableton with a controller (they make MIDI foot controllers) is one of the primary uses of Ableton, hence Ableton Live. They even have a few videos of people using it in this manner.
I would say, Ableton with a controller (they make MIDI foot controllers) is one of the primary uses of Ableton, hence Ableton Live. They even have a few videos of people using it in this manner.

I had to look after your comment, their website doesn't give a lot of concrete info, lots of marketing! yeah, I guess if you used a controller, it would work - basically using a computer as the looper.
I had to look after your comment, their website doesn't give a lot of concrete info, lots of marketing! yeah, I guess if you used a controller, it would work - basically using a computer as the looper.

In Session view, it is one big sampler/MIDI loop grid. Here is an example:

Long, but this guy shows the capabilities. In summary, you hit record on a clip, as soon as you stop recording, it saves the clip and loops. You can then move to another clip either on the same row (All clips on a row are called a scene) or down the column (which shares all of the VSTs and is equal to a track). Each scene can launch in its own BPM (if that is what you want), you can arrange them by key, or if you have a controller, you can play each clip in another row as you want. Or you can arrange by Scenes by arrangement, Intro, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, extended Jam, outro, etc.

Then depending on the effect, you can control the plug in to do various changes that you map to your controller.
Thanks all for your comments. You really helped alot... after reading this and watching the video DM60 posted, it looks that Live (and its super looper on steroids, lol) is exactly what I need. Gonna install the trial and see how's it gonna work.

Also, I do own FCB1010 foot controler, just the same one the guy in this video uses.
I used Boss RC50 to do live loops on acoustic guitar... Often getting up to 8 or 9 different iterations of the 3 available patches going at once - also put a vocal mic into it to simultaneously get doo wops going. Awesome wall of sound