Live Looping, Guitar & Drums (indie rock) - [vid]


New member
this was my first attempt to put together a live loop ensemble w/ drums and first video attempt. It was motivated by a contest that required a video uploaded of yourself playing guitar.

It's nothing remotely close to what I consider quality in regards to recording, quality and structure.... it was a rough room mic recording, but was fun all the same, and maybe something to improve off of.

I've seen some demos where players are using multi-switch pedals to cue tracks off and on while looping and so on.... I'd like to look into what gear and or software is being used. If anyone is familiar with this, I'm all ears

Thanks for viewing and any feedback is appreciated!
holy sh!t batman!

Thats impressive to me!

if thats an original thing you came up with, I was "expecting" the lyrics to start coming. Really cool. i can see when you get your band together, your going to be pitching "whole song ideas" to them. Cool. Both guitaristys get an idea where they start from, the drummer gets his cue on the main beat...

In a studio environment, you'd be a SERIOUS asset to ANY band that forms around you, I would think. Maybe this is a common thing you are doing, but, its my first exposure to this technique, and I am impressed with your talent...

a verbal hook and some lyrics, and you got that song project up and RUNNING. A real head-start...
thanks SEDstar for the listen an feedback!

Yeah, this is a new thing for me too. The technique would be considered simply "looping", or live looping. You'll find tons of samples of how people do it on youtube.... it's fun to watch things evolve w/ loops. I could do it better myself if I had a better arrangement of gear, but it's not really my focus. I use the looping as a creative tool to bounce ideas off of others. Since I've gotten a looper, it's really excellerated my playing all together. I really recommend that everyone try them ;)

Thanks for your compliments.... very encouraging!