Live audience samples?


New member
Does anyone know where you can get live audience wav samples?

This is crazy, I have googled this, searched these boards and have not had any success. I would think this would be much easier to find.

To answer my question, I finally found some great live audience wavs for $1.85 each. If anyone needs some, check it out:

Live audience samples


doriangrey said:
Does anyone know where you can get live audience wav samples?

This is crazy, I have googled this, searched these boards and have not had any success. I would think this would be much easier to find.

I'm hoping this isn't to create fake "live" tracks. Nothing irritates me more than to hear a band's advertisement come on the radio for an upcoming concert, and they have the studio album versions of their tracks playing in the background....with audience cheering placed on top of it.
Turn the water on in the bathroom sink and record that. Add some random handlaps, yells and whistles. Stir.
No, it was just for seeing if I can pull of a convincing live audience. I would never distribute anything like that. Just for fun.

sile2001 said:
I'm hoping this isn't to create fake "live" tracks. Nothing irritates me more than to hear a band's advertisement come on the radio for an upcoming concert, and they have the studio album versions of their tracks playing in the background....with audience cheering placed on top of it.
No, it was just for seeing if I can pull of a convincing live audience. I would never distribute anything like that. Just for fun. It didn't sound good anyways, lol.

sile2001 said:
I'm hoping this isn't to create fake "live" tracks. Nothing irritates me more than to hear a band's advertisement come on the radio for an upcoming concert, and they have the studio album versions of their tracks playing in the background....with audience cheering placed on top of it.