Little Help


New member
Ok i am apart of a band and we are looking to make our own studio. We would like to know what sort of equipment would be best suited for our needs. If anyone can help, we would be very greatfull. Thanks
There's whole books about this...but first, a couple of questions...

What equipment do you have now?
Do you have a place already picked out to set up as a tracking room?
What are the dimensions?
Do you have some knowledge about acoustically treating this room?
What instruments are going to be recorded?
If going the computer route, what are the specs on it? HD, ram etc...
Do you have a lava lamp? :D
Well as for equipment we have 3 guitars 3 amps 5 piece drum kit. Lol sounds quite pittiful at the moment but i will be investing in all the equipment myself.
We do have a premises but as for dimensions i have no clue but will get a floor plan of it on here soon. I do have building knowledge as i was working on building sites so have a rough idea on how to sound prof it. as for a computer was looking at getting an apple as i have more experience with audio editing on one.
Well...welcome to the world of poverty...:D

Tracking is really dependent on the room. Here's a couple of links to help you understand more about acoustically treating a room.

When I first got going, I didn't have a very good sounding room and was puzzled why my mixes didn't translate worth a damn on other systems. I'd get em sounding good in my room and they'd sound like ass everywhere else.

Second in importance (imho) is the monitors. You can't fix what you can't hear. The monitors and the room go hand in hand (also imho)

As to the computer route, I have no clue. I don't use one. But doing a search will get you the answers you need.

As to the drums, what I use is a Shure Beta 52 on kick (also an AKG D112 at times), a shure sm57 or Audix I5 on snare and a pair of Shure KSM 109's on Overheads. I use the "Recorderman Technique". Search that as well. It's a pretty damn good mic placement setup that captures the whole kit rather well. I'll use this setup and then close mic toms or whatever to taste.

The bass can be DI'd or miked with either the Beta 52 or the D112. Or maybe do both and blend to taste.

The guitar cabs can be miked with the 57's. There's other mics that work well but these have been working on cabs and snares for years.

Vocal mics are more of a flavor thing. What works well for your voice may not be so good on another. See if you can try out a few.

My thoughts for you would be to get what you need without breaking the mics, preamps, cords, DAW, soundcard hootcher etc...and get to know that system of yours VERY well before you go out and buy the newest piece of gear.

Just my thoughts here and mileage will vary.

Luck to you.......