(literally) desktop recording -- I like my mic, but hate my walls

Pants Masterson

New member
Hi all,

I work at an agency, and we do enough little demos for videos and apps that I've started doing a fair bit of v/o work for on-spec stuff that doesn't warrant hiring a real artist or booking a real studio.

After a fair bit of research, I found a Yeti on sale and convinced the powers that be that it was a worthwhile expense. But the room I'm recording in -- this is an open-concept office, so there are only a couple of offices with computers where I can actually shut the door -- is a small room with drywall walls, and the mic set up on a large hardwood desk. I sound like I'm stuck in a stairwell, or the toilet.

I'd like to jerry-rig something to stick around the mic when I'm recording. What do you recommend? I was thinking about just hacking something together with dowelling and towels, but I'm worried about the sound being too "swallowed".

I can't be the first person to just want a tiny removable "studio" that I can plunk down on the desk and put back on the shelf when I'm done. The equivalent to those 30" pop-up photo studios you can buy on Amazon. Any thoughts?
Back in the days when everyone had their own cubicles, this wouldn't be so much of a an issue. You need to isolate the space around you and deaden it, so portable partitions around and in front of you and something on the desk to kill those reflections will all help.

Any reason you can't just take it home and do it somewhere quiet there? More soft furnishings on hand...
Before I treated my room I bought the auralex mudguard (reflection filter) and I really did notice a difference in my recordings but it does nothing for your mixes since your room still sounds horrible, but if you're just doing voice overs I'm guessing it would be pretty useful.
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