Listen to the Rhythm (Trance 2.0)

The percussion seems a little inconsistent in level. The off-beat snare (claps?) are really buried, but the kick drum cuts right through. I don't really know trance, so I'm not sure if that's intended, but it's a little weird.

The 3 earths as an ellipses is a clever logo!
This sounded OK to me. Nothing struck me as a bad sound. Things seemed balanced IMO. Trance has never been my thing musically. I would say that the song is kind of the same thing all the way through. But I think that's kind of part of the genre.
The percussion seems a little inconsistent in level. The off-beat snare (claps?) are really buried, but the kick drum cuts right through. I don't really know trance, so I'm not sure if that's intended, but it's a little weird.

The 3 earths as an ellipses is a clever logo!

Thanks :-)

I got feedback elsewhere about the percussion. It had somehow lost most of its top end. And the hihat got lost in the mix, too. I've fixed those problems. In trance music in general, the kick drum is the loudest thing in the mix, and the bass can be kind of overwhelming, too. Trance 2.0 (progressive trance) usually goes some way towards reducing some of the loudness and restoring dynamics. Old-school trance has a set but flexible structure and was intended for ravers on ecstasy to bang their heads on the speakers. Progressive trance changes things quite a bit and tends towards what's sometimes (incorrectly, in my opinion) called Intelligent Dance Music. But if it all changes too much it stops being trance and just falls back into being electronica.

This sounded OK to me. Nothing struck me as a bad sound. Things seemed balanced IMO. Trance has never been my thing musically. I would say that the song is kind of the same thing all the way through. But I think that's kind of part of the genre.

Thanks. It's the same at the front and back ends but with a breakdown in the middle that introduces a different motif and then returns to the original motif. I can't say I'm by any means competent in the genre but I do like to listen to it and intend to get better at it.

Thanks to both of you for your feedback.
Hey gary. I really liked the mix. As an EDM fan I personally would love to hear a bit more oomph out of the kick (the lower register between 50Hz and 100Hz). The mix is really solid. I'm sure on a big club system it sounds incredible!!!
Thanks. You probably heard the remix I uploaded yesterday evening. The earlier ones were mixed badly as I hadn't listened to it on enough different systems. But you're right, I need to pay more attention to getting the kick right. I usually layer two or three different kicks to get the right sound and then EQ it, and I skimped on that this time. Lesson learned. I'll see if I can find time over the weekend to get it right.