Lion OS and Logic issue?

Chris Jahn

New member
I just loaded the newest Mac OS "lion" on my iMac. Suddenly Logic is running really really slowly as are other aspects of the computer, but this is a home recording forum. Anyone heard of this, experienced this, can anything be done? Thanks
Sorry man, still haven't upgraded to Lion yet (and not sure if I ever will). How long ago did you install Lion? I've heard that it can be slow while it's setting everything up initially.
Here's a hint....

NEVER upgrade your OS until:
A) It's been out 6months to a year so you are not an unpaid beta tester or
B) You have to so that your programs will run.

"Man who live on bleeding edge will spill lots of blood from banging his head on wall."
I've had it installed around 5 days. I also read that it "takes time" , I just can't get a straight answer as to why? I'm not super computer savvy, so that doesn't really make sense to me, does it to anyone else?
Well, if you have a lot of files, it might be because Lion has a different Spotlight metadata format than Snow Leopard (I think) and it has to rebuild the Spotlight stores (by re-indexing every file on your hard drive). This could take a few minutes or a few weeks, depending on your system. If that's the problem, you should see mdimporter using a lot of CPU in Activity Monitor (Applications/Utilities). Beyond that, no idea.
I upgraded to Lion right after it came out and haven't had a single issue with Logic... I've recorded up to 5 tracks simultaneously on it and have had no glitches... sorry this isn't really any help, just figured I'd balance out the negative posts...