linking reason with sx 2


New member
i have reason and sx2, and can someone tell me the pros and cons of linking up reason to cubase??, cuz im not sure what im doing lol when it comes to linking stuff up to cubase like reason. thanks
using rewire gives you the ability to use vst's with yer reason synths and samplers. you can also write all of your midi info in cubase as well as mix it all in cubase.
Rewire isn't perfect IMO because of one main reason (pardon the pun). Everytime you wan't to write something new or work on efx etc in Reason you have to shut down cubase, set up a mixer again and do it that way, because to play anything out of reason in rewire mode, cubase has to be on top and the cubase cursor dictates where you are in reason also. it means you can't play and fiddle in reason the way you normally would. At the same time I like rewire because it means I can use the sounds reason is good at (the clicky, beepy stuff IMO) in my cubase work. I just tend to try and get as much of it all done as possible before I start working in cubase and then copy and paste it into appropriate parts of the track.

maybe theres an easier way, in which case i'd be interested to hear. :)
umm yo nymorningstar....r u implying i got pirated software?...dont open your mouth before asking, and no i dont have the manuals, and no its not pirated. i work for a record company that supplies me with software that i can use at home so i dont have to in a studio for 12 hours in a day...and they didnt give me any manuals, sorry if i offended you by not being one of ur loved pirates