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BRACE yourself, I thought, as the speed guitar DRILLED itself into a CROWN of metal, never to DECAY...and to CAP it all, the drums were FILLING....gibs
You had my kitten running around and bouncing off the walls. I'm not a big fan of the genre, but if you're gonna jack-off you might as well do it well :D. The drum programming was almost comical at that tempo. The quality seemed pretty good, and it was tight as hell-- of course. The brief tempo changes were a nice touch, and you executed 'em smoothly.

Are you a thin-pick guy, or do you drink that much coffee?
Thanx p.g.I hope your kitten is doing well.If there's one thing I know how to do well it's jacking off.Believe it or not there are drummers that can play this stuff.I wish I knew one personaly.
Kick ass man... the mp3 forum needed a dose of speed metal!

I don't really see what's so comical about the drums... you did a GREAT job on the programming. However I would have liked to see you alternate a bit between using the snare and kick on the first beat of each bar rather than just the snare that you used exlusively during the fast bits on this track.

I tell ya man... I need to go see a physio now to get my neck back into some sort of shape!
beezel: Oh, the kitten is fine... she loved it. Anyway, please tell me you had to punch-in a lot... it'll make me feel better.

coop: I think I was already laughing at the title, and then the drums kicked-in (so to speak). I'm notorious for laughing at inappropriate times.
Thanx for the kind words Cooperman,and your point about the drums alternating is well taken.
And yes p.g.I punch in,I cut and paste.Anything to save me from playing more than I have to.It interferes with my drinking.
No offence taken,by the way.I think the drums are pretty comical myself(what could be bad about a good laugh?)