Line-in quality


New member
Ok, I found my line-in. Is a RCA to mini adaptor cable the only / best way to feed a cassette deck or VCR into the PC? It seems kind of primative. How does the quality of the signal tend to be?
Yup, that is the only way you can do it. Make
sure the 1/8" mini-jack is stereo, not mono.
Sound quality will depend on the soundcard, mainly.
If you have Soundblaster or similiar it should
be fine.

Your only other choice is to buy a better soundcard.
It should sound fine, the only thing I have run into with my setup (doing the same thing) is the noise floor on my current sound card SUCKS. But I'm running into computer from a digital recorder, probably not as big a deal with a tape based system.
Depends on the nature of the noise and the nature of the rest of the signal that you want to remove the noice from. In some cases you might get acceptable results, but don't count on it in general.
my experience

I have a Soundblaster value and my experience is the stereo RCA to 1/8" jack into this card is very THIN sounding, you lose alot of quality and pick up noise. I'd recommend looking for a better sound card which is what I'm doing now-
its possible to edit out a bit of hiss with
a soundblaster, but not so much. A few tricks with
eq will help, but use it sparingly.