Line 6 POD Question


New member

Ok here is my situation...I currently own a Felxtone II. I don't intend to play with a band or live. Just home recording...

I am planning on getting some Powered Studio monitors for recording. Instead of having a big amp sitting in my room (limited space) can I just run a POD through the powered speakers? How would it sound? Am I totally offbase? It will actually save me some money too.


It would sound killer! I run a POD PRO thru my Event 20/20s
and I like the sound better than my tube amps. You could also
run the POD straight into a PA if you wanted to play live.
Rock On!
Line 6 Pod

We started using both the Bass Pod and the Pod in our studio, the bands (4 have come in and used it) love them since they can get consistently good sound with an added bonus of time savings which helps their budget. Mind you the sound isn't the kind that makes a smile creep on your face and you're dying to get your buddies in there to listen to it, but it is consistently good.

However, we are considering exchanging them for the Pro versions before our 30 days are up since, after long-term sessions, i.e. 15-16 hours of use, we have been getting static on both in the recording at the end of our sessions. Apparently they need a power down and "rest" time.
I do the same as tim ... I run it through 20/20p and it sounds awesome! I even used it on Bass last weekend and was amazed at how that came out. It's one hell of a little box.