Line 6 Bass Pod


New member
Ive heard some good stuff about the bass pod, and I am thinking about buying it. I have a tascam 414 now and I really want to be able to have the ability to get great bass sounds. Do you think this is a good investment?

The bass Pod thing is cool. I played with one for an hour or so but to be honest my Sans Amp BassDriver DI kicks its ass. The sans amp actualy sounds like a real live breathing amp and the signal is clean & hot. I would check out both but if your a Bass Player I know you'll proably lean tward the BassDriver.

(remember this is me speaking and I like loose jello)


[This message has been edited by RussP (edited 07-26-2000).]
hey Kp..i have a bass pod...and im happy with it..i also had a post in this forum asking what people thought of it,but no one seemed to reply...maybe they dont like it...fuck em. its a pretty cool box....not as exciting as the guitar pod...but still cool. i also discovered just last night...that it works GREAT for clean GUITAR tones...the compressor is ALOT better than the one on the guitar pod....try it out at your local store
