Lightning Damage - need help


Okay, so I'm working on some recording a few hours ago. I realize that there are storms in the area, but not directly on me yet. I continue working. Shortly after, the storm is upon me. I finish up a few loose ends before saving, and within no time... boom. Everything shuts down before I get a chance to unhook. Anyway, times passes, power back up, etc. and I hook things back up (which I did eventually unhook after the initial hit). Computer is working okay. Then I turn on the rack - pop, trips the circuit. Unplug everything from the strip (Furman PL-8), same thing. The 15A switch never came up on it. So, I do some reading in the manual and it describes a "suicide mode" were if the intensity of the lightning is severe (from strikes near your home, etc.) it doesn't have time to trip the 15A thing, but instead takes some internal damage to protect everything connected to it. So, with my complete electronics ignorance, I ask if there is anything I can do or should try prior to contacting Furman? To preface again with my ignorance, I would assume that if the unit was damaged or ruined it would simply do nothing; however, it's tripping the breaker. I have not tried another area of the house yet. Thanks for help. ;)
The MOV's(metal oxide varistors) shorted. They are usually blue ceramic capacitor looking discs with 2 leads. I think Radio Shack sells them, but check the numbers on them and order them from Digikey or someplace like that would be better. They don't cost much. Don't just clip them off and cheat... :eek: Or next time....
Yes, they are almost always soldered on. You should get one of those manual solder vacume things(also at Radio Shack or others) to remove the old ones. Also, you'll probably need a medium/high wattage iron if they are attatched to the outlet lugs instead of a PC board.