

New member
I'v settled on either Symphonic Orchesta Silver or Gerritan Personal Orchestra to use with tracktion2 and some behringer control surfaces. Can anyone recomend the best library with some electric guitars and drums for around $100-200. I know with that price it won't be any phenominal, but just some band for the buck.

thanks, Rob.
According to a web site that sells both packages Symphonic Orchestra Silver is $100 cheaper than Garritan Personal Orchestra. The difference will buy you this drum package, but beware - you need a top-level machine with at least a gig of ram to make full use of DKFH. If you suspect your machine is not up to the task there a literally thousands of other drum collections out there, most tailored to the type of music you will be focusing on. I use Tracktion too, and it's got no real facility to work with loops but a very good built in sampler - I suggest you stick to single drum hits.

Guitars are a different story, being very difficult to simulate in software. I suggest you sniff around Google a bit to find some samples in your chosen genre.

As far as the Behringer control surfaces go, get this one instead of this one. The rotary faders are better for the job of controlling soft synths and processors IMHO, and I've heard bad things about the automated faders being noisy and all-around difficult to use.